$350.00 USD

1-on-1 Coaching With Charlie - The Founder Of The Projector Movement


*Current time slots Available*

Tuesday and Thursday @ 1pm PST Available

Feel Supported On Your Journey As A Projector.

If you’re wanting direct support from the founder of the Projector Movement 

Whether that's in with your day to day life, understanding yourself at a deeper level, finding your purpose, developing better and more fulfilling relationships or improving your health, Charlie will guide you into further alignment. 

As a 3/5 Splenic Projector with the RAX Penetration 3, Charlie has the ability to see you and intuitively guide you towards your individual success.

Are Currently Struggling With:

  • Your Passions
  • Your Energy
  • Your Health
  • Your Purpose
  • Your Relations
  • Or you just feeling like something is missing

Allow Charlie to support you back into alignment.

What’s Included:

  • Projector specific support
  • With the support of Human Design, the Gene Keys, Astrology and ultimately presence
  • 55 minute 1-on-1 session
  • Description of your souls purpose and mission
  • Charlie spends 1 hour before each session preparing for your session


How long are the sessions?

  • 55 minutes

What times are available?

  • Charlie currently only has 3 time slots available: 
    • Tuesday 1pm PST
    • Thursday 1pm PST

Can I have more than 1 session?

  • Yes - follow up sessions are $300
This is the first time in 4 years Charlie is opening up some coaching sessions openly.
This is an opportunity not to be missed.

What People Are Saying:

Charlie....Where to start. There are so many parts of you that make my heart buzz and my insides jump. A teacher. You are so clever and so giving of your knowledge that I feel almost selfish when we meet. I walk away from our encounters feeling as though we've undergone a transaction and I have walked away with a glowing basket of new and exciting information, and have short changed you....Thank you for educating me in more ways than one.

Dani G

Charlie Maginness, I want to say a sincere thank you to you. I gained so much and have been reflecting for weeks. Before, I had spent a lot of money and waited over 6 months for a reading with a well known UK based reader, and I got ten times more out of yours than I did with that one. I have recommended this to a few friends since. Thanks again, I'm looking forward to this HD experiment.


I’m not going to say how much younger Charlie is than me, but I will own he is so much wiser :) Charlie is one of those dudes you meet that you can’t help but be inspired by....For the first time in more years than I can say I am off my own case, getting in tune with me, my rhythms, my way….and not apologising for it. The essential me is emerging in so many ways, and it feels gooooood! Bless you Charlie. What a gift you’ve given me to make living so much richer.

Kathryn - Psychologist

Hi Charlie, I am writing to express my utmost gratitude and respect, in regards to my session with you on Wednesday. I have had a deep peace, love and strength within myself, in a way I haven’t felt before. And many synchronistic moments of insight and epiphany have followed. My heart feels less shielded, and is breathing deeper, as I feel I have let go of aspects/layers of this core wounding. I no longer feel the need to defend/justify my being, having access to the deeper and healing love I carry inside myself. I believe the way you witnessed me at the level of my core wound/being, stood up for me by succinctly summarizing and expressing the anger and injustice, was something I had never felt and acknowledged to that extent. So I can’t thank you enough, Charlie! Much love and appreciation
