$88.00 USD

Projector 12 Month Astrological Journey


Are You Looking To Understand Yourself And Your Current Life Situation At A Deeper Level?


What You Will Get:

  • 6 Powerful In-depth Videos From Charlie, Guiding You Deeper Into The Wisdom Within Yourself
  • A 15+ Page Personalized Report, Created From The Moment You Were Born, Blended With The Current Planetary Alignment In The Sky.


What Does The Offer Cover?

This personalized astrological report will guide you how to work with the energies that will be coming into your life over the next 12 months.

 Designed specifically for Projectors to give you access to the energetic codes that will be playing out in your personal life over the next 12 months.



Gaining access into the unseen energetics that are playing out in your life currently and over the next 12 months, gives you a HUGE advantage and deep levels of wisdom to feel in control of your life, to feel empowered in your life, rather than stuck, lost or overwhelmed.

Use this training to feel empowered to take your life to the next level and truly flow WITH life and not AGAINST it.

Specifically for Projectors it is so important to move from resisting and overwhelmed and bitter to empowered, flowing and aligned.

Give your soul this gift of wisdom and remembrance through joining this training and see what magic begins to unfold.



What People Are Saying:

Thank you for all the videos. I love your way, short cut, to the point, easy to understand and can be brought to real life. I have tried many things on my journey, and then I found you on YouTube and fell in to your videos and we started working together... Thank you for being in my life and for all the things you are doing. You have changed my life in an extremely positive way!

Selin Erbes

I've turned into tears. I can't believe it's "the end". It really has been an incredible journey, taking this course is one of the best decisions I've made in my life. I thank you Charlie so much, HD changed my life, but you Charlie, you've gave me the treasure of becoming aware of my power. You haven't changed my life, even more, you've evolved my life. THANK YOU

Alicia Gonzalez

I’m not going to say how much younger Charlie is than me, but I will own he is so much wiser :) Charlie is one of those dudes you meet that you can’t help but be inspired by. But let me be specific: His Projector course is a gift. For the first time in more years than I can say I am off my own case, getting in tune with me, my rhythms, my way….and not apologising for it. The essential me is emerging in so many ways, and it feels gooooood! Bless you Charlie. What a gift you’ve given me to make living so much richer.

Kathryn - Psychologist

Charlie Maginness, Thank you so much. I have to thank you. I think you're doing such a great job. I resonate with everything your shared and this just feels so true... I needed to cry. This is my truth and my soul is longing for this expression and is learning how to do this (embody myself more deeply as a projector). I really appreciate everything you are doing. Keep up the great work. Thank you!

Henrike Baumgarten