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The Ultimate Projector Guide: Discover Your Success

Move From Bitterness To Success

Online Course For Projectors


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The Ultimate Projector Guide *40% Off*










“I always felt like something was missing until I discovered I was a Human Design Projector - then everything started falling into place. 10 years of Human Design Projector wisdom has gone into this training specifically built for YOU - the 20%”

Charlie Maginness

What's Inside This Course?

This online program will guide you on a journey back to yourself, back to your essence. Here's what to expect…

Week one is dedicated to the context of the current world and what’s to come in the future. We lay the foundation this week, and discover how Human Design fits into this journey of past, present, and future. Keys for this week: Awareness, Awakening and Sacred Union.

Everything you need to know about projectors is packed into this week. Learn how to move from bitterness to success and how life can support you on your journey. You have such a unique path waiting for you in this lifetime and within this week you will understand how to navigate this path with more ease than ever before.

Week three is on your specific type. Whether you’re an Emotional Projector, Splenic Projector, Ego Projector, Self-Projected Projector or Mental Projector you will finish this week with a more detailed and refined understanding of yourself. Alongside this, we will dive into deconditioning, my favorite area of Human Design. You’ll begin to let go of old patterns and old conditioning, whilst stepping into yourself and your design.  

As a Certified Detoxification Specialist, this week is dedicated to your wellbeing. I once was very ill myself with borderline chronic fatigue, my health is very different these days in the most positive of ways, hugely because of Human Design. Taking into consideration the unique aura of projectors and our subtle energetic system, I’ll be sharing tips, tools and techniques to take your health to the next level.

As a projector you need to know your value. This week we journey into your uniqueness, into how you can show up in the world and actually receive the correct recognition. Once you discover your value, the rest of the world has no choice but to listen and receive that value too. Also the golden key is revealed – how you can truly become successful in your chosen career.

Whether you are looking for love or already in love, week six is focused on projectors in relationships. Relationships are vital for projectors, not only love relationships, although we certainly will explore them this week, but also 1-on-1 relationships with family, friends, and work colleagues. All the relationships that make up your life are vital to your success. Luckily there’s a week dedicated to just this!

"This has given me the licensing to be me. With this knowledge I am likely to thrive physically and emotionally. I felt seen and recognized, which as a projector, I value a lot. I felt his passion and intuitive gift. I also appreciate the tools he provided. Everything was spot on, it brought me to tears. Charlie served as a mirror, reminding me of who I came to be in this world. Thankful for the magic you’re spreading!"


"Charlie Maginness, Thank you so much. I have to thank you. I think your are doing such a great job. I resonate with everything your shared and this just feels so true... I needed to cry. This is my truth and my soul is longing for this expression and is learning how to do this (embody myself more deeply as a projector). I really appreciate everything you are doing. Keep up the great work. Thank you!"


"I've turned into tears. I can't believe it's "the end". It really has been an incredible journey, taking this course is one of the best decisions I've made in my life. I thank you Charlie so much, HD changed my life, but you Charlie, you've gave me the treasure of becoming aware of my power. You haven't changed my life, even more, you've evolved my life. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!"


"Thank you for all the videos. I love your way, short cut, to the point, easy to understand and can be brought to real life. I have tried many things on my journey, and then I found you on YouTube and fell in to your videos and we started working together... Thank you for being in my life and for all the things you are doing. You have changed my life in an extremely positive way!"




4-Part Video Training ($97 Value)

This training is dedicated to the current evolutionary transits we find ourselves in. Prepare to discover just how valuable projectors really are in these current times. Then we transition into some famous projectors, exploring their charts, their lives as projectors, and what we can learn from their unique stories and journey. Also included is a wellbeing tip that you can implement right away and experience the positive impact it has on your energetic system!


Human Design Type Quiz

Discover what type you are most like by taking this in-depth Human Design quiz. Begin your deconditioning process with clarity and awareness. 

4 X Recorded Live Calls ($399 Value)

These calls are around 75 minutes in length and will give you insights and understandings as to how your Projector energy works and flows best! 

Learn about your chart, deepen your knowledge of Human Design and how it impacts your life and allow the transformation to begin. 

Private Facebook Group

Join Over 1550 Other Projectors!

Have a support system of projectors who are on the same journey as you. 

This positive, supportive environment is a great resource for you to have moving forward. 

Projector Meditation 

Be nourished and awakened by this transformational projector meditation. By simply listening to this you will begin to transform massive from within! 

Do You Have Any Questions?

This is an online 6-week training program that is completed from your own home, where each week a new module opens up. Please see above "What's Inside The Course" for a brief outline of each week. There are videos, step by step guides and an in-depth training series that you can begin right away taking you deeply into your truth. This is not a live training and because of this Charlie has managed to pack a huge amount of value into this training as he's been working on this one for many months! 

You will receive unique guidance for your projector energy in all areas of your life...Relationships, Dating, Business, Money, Your Energetic System, Health, Deconditioning, Projector Types, Projector Strategy, Embodiment, Success, Transformation. Your internal world will begin to shift and transform, which always flows into your external world. You will learn things you have never heard before. Implement the knowledge and allow your life to begin to transform. Another way of saying it would be you will simply become more of yourself on this journey and understand how to be more of yourself. 

This is not your typical Human Design offering. In this course you will explore the depths of your energetics and what it is to be a projector. Much of what you will learn here is not available online. We will explore the deepest currents of what it is to be a projector, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically and energetically. 

You will receive a video straight after you purchase, outlining the projector journey you will be shortly embarking on. You will also be available to straight away view the BONUS 4-part videos series as well as the Projector Meditation. Shortly following this your 6-Week training will be... 

This course is comprised of a minimum of one hour of video content each week often split up into multiple videos. The training builds on each week, enabling you to to go deeper and deeper into your uniqueness. There are also exercises and tasks to bring the knowledge into your subconscious mind and body (vehicle). Recommended minimum of two hour per week spent within this course. 

This course is unique for projectors and projector energy. Also this training is focused on you getting results within your own life. Actually embodying this knowledge so by the end of the 6-week training a lasting transformation has occurred deep within you. Then you have the opportunity to really live who you were born to be, rather than getting confused within your own life, your decisions and your purpose and questioning, 'Is this good for me?', Is this good for projectors'?, 'Should I do this?'. Instead of this, you will naturally embody this wisdom, so there will be a knowing rather than a thinking, a clarity rather than confusion! 

The course can be taken in your own time zone at your own pace! 

So yes 100% you can join the course and get the FULL experience (no matter what your time zone).

You can take the course in your own time. It's important for Projectors to allow their own rhythm and timing to take place so therefore you will have access to this training for AT LEAST 1 year! 

 If You're Wanting More Information

Click this page for further details.

You're at the decision point. You can either continue down the path of least resistance, the path you have always traveled, or you can choose the road less traveled. This new road will open up new possibilities, new potential and new results for you.

Make a new choice, as a Projector, and receive a new outcome. 


"I’m not going to say how much younger Charlie is than me, but I will own he is so much wiser :) Charlie is one of those dudes you meet that you can’t help but be inspired by. But let me be specific: His Projector course is a gift. For the first time in more years than I can say I am off my own case, getting in tune with me, my rhythms, my way….and not apologising for it. The essential me is emerging in so many ways, and it feels gooooood! Bless you Charlie. What a gift you’ve given me to make living so much richer."


The Ultimate Projector Guide

Embody your Human Design wisdom. It’s one thing to know the technical aspects of a chart, to know you’re a Projector, to know what that means… but it’s a whole other thing to embody the knowledge and transform it into living wisdom within yourself. 


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