The Projector Movement Blog

3/6 Projector | Human Design

3/6 human design projector human design human design profiles Apr 01, 2022

If you are a Projector with a 3/6 profile, then this is the ULTIMATE BLOG that will teach you the foundation of how life plays out for you day to day.

Whether you just found out you are a Human Design Projector with a 3/6 profile, or you’ve known this for years, this blog is going to go through the ins and outs of it all.


This blog will cover:

  • What is Human Design (HD)?
  • What is a HD Projector?
  • What is an HD Profile?
  • Line 3 and its role
  • Line 6 and its role
  • What life as a 3/6 Projector looks like
  • A famous 3/6 profile
  • A unique 3/6 offering to support your journey into your profile
  • And more!

But before we take a deep dive into the mechanics of your authority, let’s explore for a little bit what Human Design is, and what it means to be a Projector type within this beautiful system.




The New Offering:

We've created something specifically for YOU as a 3/6 Human Design Projector.

Join here and receive over 75+ minutes of specialized content for the 3/6 Projector. You'll also receive a meditation, mantras and more. 


Head here to find out more!


What is a Projector?


Walk into a room and on average one in every five people will be a Projector (20% of the population). Projectors are here to GUIDE energy. We are here to be wise about how to do things. We’re not the rarest Type within Human Design, but we’re susceptible to being the most conditioned.


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What does it mean to be conditioned? It means to live in a way that isn’t authentic to you. As children, we are sensitive and are easily susceptible to take on what our upbringing environment was like. So you can be conditioned to act, think, and feel in a way that isn’t really you. What happens is that you grow up using your mind to make decisions instead of letting your body’s intelligence (strategy and inner authority) to do the decision making for you. Now you have to peel the layers off so you can discover your unique nature.


We live in a world where it’s normal to work 40 hours a week and to only get two weeks of vacation on average every year. On top of that, we’re told, “just do it.” Working for extended periods of time is suitable for Generators and initiating is what Manifestors are here to do. So as you can see, Projectors are conditioned to believe that they have the energy and initiative mechanisms to work like everyone else.


Not the case.


Projectors are the newest Types out of the four that emerged after 1781. And until now, until the advent of the Human Design System, Projectors didn’t know that they’re unique beings that operate differently than mostly everyone else. Now, we can clearly see that the world is operating at a different rhythm than that of a Projector’s. 


To illustrate this example, via a metaphor, imagine that you (a Projector) have been running a marathon all of your life. You’ve been running a marathon, just because everyone else has been running it. Only to find out that your body doesn’t function properly in marathons. 

You discover that your body thrives in practicing yoga because your body was designed to flourish in moving itself in those ways. That’s how life is for Projectors: you’ve been operating in a way that wasn’t designed for you (running a marathon) and need to adjust your way of being (practice yoga) in order to live a life of success, fulfillment, and well-being.

This example is just a metaphor to illustrate the differences that we have with the rest of the world.


We need to first know what our uniqueness is as Projectors, then accept this deeply, and then embody these differences. If you can do this, then you can truly live a fulfilling and successful life. This is what The Projector Movement is here for: to support you DEEPLY in your journey back ‘home’, to your truth, to your core, to your uniqueness, and when you discover this and live from this place, life begins to flow in the most magical of ways.

 If there’s one thing we want you to take from Human Design, it’s this formula. By honoring this decision-making process, we start to align ourselves to our unique essence and begin to blossom into the person we were born to become.


A New Offering:

Dive deeper into your Human Design journey as a 3/6 Projector.

Introducing The Projector Profiles

A series of webinars that go deep into the lived experience of the profiles in Human Design. Each webinar includes a special guest who has that particular profile, a meditation for you as a Projector with that specific profile, a set of mantras that you can download and repeat throughout your day and so much more.

We've created something specifically for YOU as a 3/6 Human Design Projector!

Join here and receive over 1.5 hours of specialized content for the 3/6 Projector. You'll also receive a meditation, mantras and more.



There are 12 different profiles within the Human Design system.

Your profile number is derived from the line number that the gate sits on in your conscious/personality sun & earth (you may resonate more with this number), and your unconscious/design sun & earth (others may see this number more in you, than you do yourself).

For example, I have Gate 43 in my conscious sun, which sits on line 3 (43.3) I then have Gate 23 in my unconscious sun, which sits on line 5 (23.5) Therefore, that makes me a 3/5 profile, as you always take the line number from your conscious sun first.

You can see what I’m talking about in the image below.  A quick note to say that when you get your chart from somewhere such as My BodyGraph, it will list your profile number for you, however this is a great way to view it also.

Your profile is how you interact with the world, it really does give us a profound look into the life themes that you will experience. This will become much clearer as you navigate through this blog and the rest of the profile series. 


The Lines:

When we look at the lines individually (line 3 for example) it means one thing in and of itself. When we pair it with it's partner (line 6 for example), it brings a whole new flavour to the table. The profile is where we can start to see big differences in people's charts. Even if you're the same type as someone else, or have other similarities, how your profile plays out in your life can really differentiate you from others.  

Here is a basic overview of each line number and each profile:

Line 1: The Investigator

It is correct for this person to gather as much information as they feel they need before 'moving on' with whatever it may be in life. Researching and self informing is high on the list for you. Situations where you are put on the spot can be energetically jarring for you, as this is not how your life plays out in it's highest alignment. 

Line 2: The Hermit

Alone time deeply replenishes you. In doing so, this helps you live out the other side to your profile (2/4 for example) and means you can really be at your best. Giving yourself an opportunity to retreat and withdraw will have a very nourishing effect on you. You may find that a lot of things come somewhat easy to you, and that you may be known as a ‘natural’ at many things. 

Line 3: The Martyr

You learn by trial and error. While this may sound negative, it truly leads you down a path that is correct for you. Carrying this energy means you are very resilient and can morph and change rather easily. The more you lean into this energy, the more powerful it becomes. While society may not be set up for those of us who are constantly trying and 'failing', it is the way forward for third lines, as you then get to share about what you've learned on your ‘travels’.

Line 4: The Opportunist

You are a brilliant networker. Friendly and very aware of others. People are drawn to your energy and want to be in your space. This is a high output frequency to have, so downtime is absolutely necessary for you to replenish. Your invitations come from being around others and letting them speak about you and your work with others.

Line 5: The Heretic

You reflect back to others what needs to be seen. This line can guide, can teach. Fifth line people can be very easily projected upon. This may be in the form of a positive view where people let you know what they like about you, or this can be in a shadow view, where expectations are placed upon you that really don't serve you. There can be a deep feeling of needing to ‘people please’ with this energy, so strong boundaries are extremely helpful, thus completing the cycle of reflecting back to others what they need to see. You have a very penetrative energy, which some people may find rather intense, it serves you well to hold back on unsolicited advice.

Line 6: The Role Model

You have three distinct phases of life as a sixth line.

Phase 1: Birth through to your Saturn Return, which is around age 28-30. There is a lot of trial and error energy contained in this phase, very much the same as what a third line person would experience.

Phase 2: 30 through to your Chiron Return, which is around age 50. There is a deep reflection of your first phase here. You may find that you are transmuting many experiences from your first phase and alchemising them, becoming wiser and wiser each time.

Phase 3: 50+, this is where you can really step into your energy as a Role Model. Of course, this can happen at any phase, but with the life experience you have gained over the last 50 years, people are drawn to how wise you are, and want to hear about your experiences.

A New Offering:

We have created something amazing to support you in diving deeper into your Human Design journey as a 3/6 Projector. 


Let’s get into the 3/6 Profile!

In words, the 3/6 Profile is known as the Martyr/Role Model

Line 3:

As the brilliant Richard Rudd (founder of The Gene Keys) says, 3rd line profile people will see a hole in the road, fall down that hole and then come back up saying ‘WOW, guess what I found and learnt down there!’ Whereas someone with a 2 line in their profile, may perhaps skip around the hole and carry on with their inherent naturalness in life. I think this is a brilliant depiction of someone with a 3rd line in their profile.

The 3rd line likes to experiment! They don’t know for sure which way something is going to go unless they try it. Plus, there is a real need to actually try it for themselves, no matter how many people are telling them to 'just do it this way'. You speak so beautifully from experience. A beautiful, but oftentimes, bumpy road of trial and error. Why? Because you are here to let others know what you’ve tried and if it worked or if it didn’t work. You get to guide those who seek you out (Projector magic!) into their greatness simply through all you have experienced in life.

Part of the Line 3 magic is to learn through failure. It may not be failure as you know it though, it’s not the sort of failure that is depicted in society. For 3rd line people, failure is actually a good thing!

Growing up, what did you hear about failure? That it wasn’t an option? That if you weren’t winning there was something wrong with you? Perhaps the messaging may have been ‘just try harder!’, as a Projector, that just doesn’t serve our energy. After all, we are different to 80% of the population. How amazing!

We can choose to reframe failure here, instead of believing everything we’ve been told about it. Failure gets us closer to knowing what is right for us, what we want in life. If you’ve grown up with the conditioning (other people’s beliefs and way of life) that it’s not okay to fail, then perhaps you might feel really risk averse, even in situations where the risk isn’t really ‘that risky’. If you feel like this is where you are in life, just start by bringing back the awareness that it is your nature to try things, even if they don’t go as planned.

As a 3rd line person, when you acknowledge and embrace the fact that at some stage you will definitely fail, but choose to look at it through the lens of ‘this is how I’ll truly learn and I’m not afraid to fail!’ it creates this extra drive within you that says ‘this is energetically correct for me and I welcome the experiences I will gain from this’. Each step you take is leading you closer towards what is meant for you.

The 3rd line energy is rooted in personal experience and understanding. We are designed to focus on ourselves here and our own life process.

Does it seem more comfortable to know that if you shy away from the experiences, that seemingly, nothing will ‘go wrong’? Of course. But as a 3rd line person, that only keeps you away from your journey of self discovery, it blocks you from finding your path. It silently creates a restlessness within you that will one day explode and you’ll find yourself questioning WHY you ever lived like that. As a 3rd line person, it’s great to get familiar with being uncomfortable and still being able to back yourself to give it a go. The outcome will be exactly what you need. 


Line 6:


The 6th line is very unique in that your life plays out in three phases, as we mention just above. As this is in your ‘unconscious’ side, you may not see or feel this as much, or perhaps others can see this in you more than you can. Having an understanding of this energy, even though you have no ‘control’ over it will be extremely beneficial for you as a 3/6, as the 6th line energy can seem intense if you’re unaware of it. 


Let’s take a deeper look into Phase 1:


A 6th line person who doesn’t know there are 3 stages can really struggle if the awareness isn’t there. As you live your first phase like a 3rd line person, society doesn’t really revere this ‘trial, error, experimentation, risk taking’ process, which can lead you to believing there is something wrong with you. Everyone else is seemingly upbeat and ‘kicking goals’ so to speak and you’re left feeling like everywhere you turn there is something else to tackle and another challenge to face. This can lead to deep pessimism.

What is bubbling away under the surface here, even if you can’t put your finger on it, is that you’re setting yourself up for phase 2 and phase 3 of your life. This is NOT to say that you never experience any joy/success in your first phase, you absolutely can and the more aware of this energy you are, the easier it will be to navigate.


Up until around your Saturn return (which is a deeply transformative time in our lives) you're not only experimenting with what works for you and what doesn’t, you’re going through a similar process in relationships (romantic and platonic) and you’re pulling out the weeds so to speak. You’re finding out who you actually want beside you for the long haul and you’re having experiences with those who are in your life for all of the wrong reasons. When you step into phase 2 of your life (more on that very soon) you are craving these soul mate relationships. The ones where you can go deep with the people in your life, by pulling out the weeds in phase 1, phase 2 becomes exceedingly more pleasurable in terms of having people around you who move how you like to move. Depth, emotional honesty and availability, fun, still taking risks but you truly are beginning to understand the mechanics behind these risks and it doesn’t feel like you’re jumping off a cliff just for the thrill of it in this second phase!


The very things that you’re experiencing are shaping how you view and interact with the world. We cannot dismiss just how much wisdom is gained in this first phase. If you’re deep in it, you may feel anything but wise at times, but you’ll look back and realise just how powerful this time in your life is soon enough. 


A deeper look into Phase 2:


This is the phase that Ra Uru Hu described as ‘being on the roof’. This is where you’re observing things, rather than being in the thick of it like you were in phase one!


From about 30-50 (give or take) the 6th line person in the second phase of their lives has the craving to retreat somewhat and really reflect on what has unfolded in the first 30 or so years. Some people will experience this second phase sooner than others, early to mid 30’s is where it can range from. Please know, you are on your very own unique journey and there truly is no need to compare yourself to someone else in this area of your life. Keep cultivating that deep trust!


You may find that things are starting to make a bit more sense now. You have the wisdom within you from your lived experience of your first phase to really start integrating what you’ve seen, heard, done, felt and triumphed through. Your role model energy is starting to become more magnetic here, like a motor that is idling, ready for someone to rev the engine at the right time!


Things start to feel a bit more stable and you understand yourself at a much deeper level now. You start to really know what people you want around you and relationships can deepen here. Perhaps relationships have been carried through your first phase of life that are rock solid and they feel good, perhaps there are many that have fallen to the wayside. The veil of pessimism is starting to rise and the optimism is seeping through you. You can see why things played out the way they did in your first phase. There is so much beauty in how you reflect on this phase of your life, honour yourself here. 


This new found feeling of enlightenment in phase 2 may steer you into a job or career that you really value, keep in mind that this particular job or career could be the polar opposite to what you were doing in Phase 1! Hence why it is so important not to be so caught up in certainty and stability during Phase 1. Let the wind take you where it wants you to flow! You have learnt many lessons from your past about what works for you and what doesn’t, so the risk taking feeling will naturally start to dissipate and the deep trust you have conjured up shines through. 


A deeper look into Phase 3:


From about age 50 onwards, which happens to be the age where you experience Chiron return, the wisdom is literally dripping from you! I think it’s important to touch on why Chiron return is impactful, especially for a 6th line person. Think of it as your final clear out, the last hurrah to anything that has been standing in your way. It may be a particular theme or pattern that has played out in your life over and is the time to clear it out for good. It’s like a compressed Phase 1 coming back to make sure you’re not being weighed down by anyone or anything as you enter this glorious third phase! Take the time you need to move through this (usually about ages 49-51) and know that it’s only creating even more wisdom in you that people will be craving to hear about in your 3rd phase.


What you have to offer in this phase will have people stopping in their tracks. Why? Because it’s real, embodied, lived in wisdom that you have arrived at because of everything you’ve ever experienced. It is not mental knowledge. It is the culmination of many trials, tribulations, break ups, break downs, lessons learned, ‘failures’ (no such thing!!) and everything in between. People can just feel this from you. There is no hesitancy from others wondering if you’re the real deal, they can feel it. 


Let’s put the 3rd line and the 6th line together:

There is no denying it, if you are a Projector with the 3/6 profile, life will never be dull! The ‘trial and error’ phase will be with you throughout your lifetime. I do hope that you are realizing that this is a GIFT. As Ra Uru Hu describes it, life is all about ‘search and discovery’ for anyone with a 3rd line in their profile. As a 3/6, your first 30 years of life are for true experimentation. You may notice those around you putting down roots and building solid foundations…if this is something that feels correct for you to do and it comes easy, then let it happen. Pushing, forcing and letting your mind talk you into what you ‘should’ be doing because that’s what everyone else is doing will only lead you further away from yourself. Let yourself try things! This is how you learn and it’s all contributing to your role model energy that is innate within you.

Things will start to shift in your 30’s. The trial and error is still there, but you’ll start to combine that with a different outlook than what you did in your younger years. Perhaps you try something and it doesn’t work, you can now start to see the beauty in this instead of being pessimistic about it. Enjoy this time ‘On The Roof’ reflecting on your first 30 years, marvelling at what you’ve been through! Do you feel the energy there for some roots to be put down now perhaps? Maybe. Maybe not. Ah the beauty of Human 

By the time you reach your 50’s and beyond, people can just tell how much you’ve truly lived your life. It’s no mistake that the 6th line is here to be a role model after all of that trial and error. The role model potential is limitless in 3/6 profiles, as you’ve really lived that 3rd line energy twice…that is not for the faint hearted! As a role model, people don’t want your mental knowledge of things just on its own. They want to hear about your lived experiences from the depths of your soul. After all, they are shining out of you and people cannot look away.


Let's add in the Projector essence into the 3/6 profile: 

As Projectors, it is correct for us to ‘wait for the invitation’, but as we so often talk about here at The Projector Movement, it’s what we do between the invitations that is important. Naturally as a 3/6, you will have a plethora of experiences up your sleeve! Figuring out what works and what doesn’t so you can better align yourself with your life and in turn, better align yourself with invitations.

Life wants you to succeed, it’s just that as a 3/6 Projector, this can look vastly different than what society thinks ‘success’ is. 

As a 3/6 Projector, you’re not only here to gather experiences that contribute to your vast wisdom, you’re here to share those experiences with the people who invite it out of you. This can be a challenging energy to carry at first, because from the outside looking in, people can view you as constantly making mistakes, or ‘messing things up’, so perhaps the invitations are staggered for you. This is not a negative at all! This gives you more space and time to integrate your experiences along the way. Really get to know yourself during the ‘in between’ invitation times. There is no way you can move through life coming up against the experiences that you do and not know yourself at a deep level. You might not feel it all the time, but you are admired for your courage to take the leap. Not everyone has the ability to be able to do this. 

It is really important that you give yourself space and alone time as a Projector with this 3/6 energy so you can reset before heading back out into the world. Lean into your wonderful authority to help you to navigate life with more ease.




A few tips for 3/6 Human Design Projectors:

  • Follow your Strategy and Authority!! This will help soften the bumps in the road!
  • Reframe what failure means to you if it’s carried a negative connotation.
  • Trust in your senses. You know when something is off and you’ll find out what that is eventually. 
  • Let those around you know what your process is. If they are expecting perfection on the first go, let them know that it doesn't serve you. 
  • Let yourself focus on yourself! It’s not selfish, it’s all part of allowing you to shine as you move through life.
  • Take the pressure off yourself to move through life like those around you who might be going down a slightly smoother path. Your energy is so incredibly unique and therefore your processes will look and feel different.



A Famous 3/6 Profile:

Looking at someone who spends their life in the public eye can really help us see how things play out. Even looking at friends/family who have a particular energy really helps give us a deeper understanding into the 3/6 Profile.

Mariah Carey

3/6 Splenic Projector


Such an interesting person to look at with this energy. A big part of the third line energy is bonds made and broken. Moving through life and often through multiple relationships. This can be romantic, platonic, friendships…anything!

Mariah has moved through many different romantic relationships in her very public life. Her first marriage is often described as very tumultuous, something that is not uncommon in third line beings. Each relationship looked very different to the last. A true ‘experiment’ of finding out what works and what doesn’t. This rocky energy even extended to her family. She no longer speaks with her brother and sister after years of bumpiness. 

I can’t imagine that living life on a global stage with a 3/6 profile is smooth, however it’s very easy to see how much of a role model she is musically to her fans. Every ‘win’ is on display for her, as is every so called ‘failure’. Combine that with her Projector energy and it’s easy to see why she burnt out in the early 2000’s.

The New Offering:

We've created something specifically for YOU - 3/6 Human Design Projector.

Join here and receive over 75+ minutes of specialized content for the 3/6 Projector. You'll also receive a meditation, mantras and more.


Some questions from the community about being a 3/6 Projector:


@spiritual_queen_bee: 3/6 here, and living up to it. I read that the first 30years is the experience (3) and then we start shifting into the role model (6), is this true and how important is age? (I'm 40 and I've felt a shift)

As you will have read above, there are 3 distinct phases for anyone with the 6th line energy. The first 30 years (up until your Saturn Returns) you live life as a ‘3/3’...this is A LOT of experimenting! How wonderful that in the second phase of this energy from about age 30 through to 50, that you get to be a bit more reflective. 

Perhaps you become a bit more of a recluse as you integrate your experiences into your being. I have spoken to many 6th line beings who say they’ve felt a shift not long after the 30 year mark, that they really start to embody the Role Model energy of the 6th line here. 

So while it is spoken in Human Design that Role Model status occurs after the age of 50, I believe that it’s something that starts building from much earlier on. It also depends on the experiences you’ve had in life too. You’ll know when you’ve REALLY lived through something and feel different because of it…thus initiating the wonderful role model energy.

It is said that other people don’t fully grasp your unique energy until later in life, however this will differ for everyone and your unique blueprint.


@tanvitee: 3/6 projector here 🥰 how do you know what experiments are worth the time and energy? How would we find a good balance between experimenting (3)and just leaning back and tuning into our own knowledge (6)

As a third line being, the only true way to know for sure what experiments are worth the time and energy are by jumping into them! Following your strategy and authority here will be so incredibly helpful, as this will help you to determine what is correct for you. Of course, this process in itself will be one of trial and error for a while. Please know that this is okay! 

Finding a balance as a 3/6 is likely going to look different on any given day. Sometimes you can see the things that are about to bump into you, other times they come out of the blue. Each time you navigate through an experience, it’s helping you in a big way for the one you’ll move through after that. Each thing you go through is helping you to put things into perspective and know what is worth your time and what can potentially be left behind. 

As your 3rd line is conscious, it is the ‘leader of the pack’ so to speak. This is the energy that will show up the strongest for you. If you feel your 6th line energy shining through, absolutely tap into that! It’s not something we can force. Experiment with that particular notion and see where it leads you.


@p.isforpalmistry: I'm a 3/6 self projected projector. I’d love to know the most efficient way to utilize my energy because I’ve been bumping into burn out so much.

As a wonderful self projected Projector, you have no active motors in your chart, (heart/solar plexus/sacral/root)  so the way you move through the world will look different for you than someone who does have any (or multiple) of those motor centres active. This in itself will likely be something you need to experiment with before figuring out what feels best for you. 

I would encourage pausing frequently throughout the day and really tuning in to how you’re feeling. Do you know when enough is enough, or are you trying to live life as someone with a defined sacral who does have more energy to give. 

Experiment with slowing down the way you do everything. Walking, talking, eating, moving from task to task. Slow it all right down. How does that feel for you? 

Life will keep throwing the same things at you until a change is made…which is great as a 3rd line being, as we are very adaptable to change! So clear out that open/undefined spleen and ask yourself if there’s anything you’re holding onto that doesn’t serve you anymore (this includes a particular way of doing things) and know that you have nothing to prove by trying to move through life like those around you. You are UNIQUE! 


Profile overview:

1/3: Investigator/Martyr 14.57%

Building solid foundations through research and knowledge before heading out into the world and trying it for yourself to see what works/what doesn't work.

1/4: Investigator/Opportunist 2.3%

Building solid foundations through research and knowledge before heading out into the world and sharing it with your community and close circles.

2/4: Hermit/Opportunist 14.26%

Deep replenishment to restore your energy and have time for your hobbies before heading out into the world and interacting with your community and close circles.

2/5: Hermit/Heretic 2.27%

Deep replenishment to restore your energy and have time for your passions before heading out into the world and sharing what you have learnt in your downtime with others.

3/5: Martyr/Heretic 14.15%

Experimenting with life and learning about what works and what doesn't so you can share it with others when they ask you for your advice. Guiding people through life experiences as no doubt you will have tasted a little bit of everything.

3/6: Martyr/Role Model 2.25% (See Line 6 above for Phases)

Your focus is more inward, really take that time to correct your own personal karma. While this may feel intense in your first phase, it really starts to shine through in your second and third phase.

Phase 1: (see above 'Line 6' for phases) Deep trial and error. No need to force yourself to 'have it all together' as this is where you are figuring things out. You can find peace knowing that things may bloom for you a bit later in life.

Phase 2: The trial and error phase starts to calm down over these next few years, you start to alchemise your experiences and look at things in a different light.

Phase 3: Sharing your profound experiences with those who seek you out and sharing your wisdom about what these experiences have taught you.

4/1: Opportunist/Investigator 2.42%

Lighting yourself up by being with your community (in a way that feels good for you) for periods of time before retreating away to break down the 'how and why' of things you are curious to learn more about.

4/6: Opportunist/Role Model 14.25% (See Line 6 above for Phases)

Being with your community for periods of time to light yourself up whilst going through periods of trial and error (Phase 1 for Line 6) then deep reflection (Phase 2 for Line 6) before sharing your wisdom and experiences with your community in your later years (Phase 3 for Line 6)

5/1: Heretic/Investigator 14.42%

Learning to navigate the projections of others through beautiful boundaries whilst nourishing yourself with research of whatever it is that is lighting you up so you can help to guide those who seek you out.

5/2: Heretic/Hermit 2.3%

Learning to navigate the projections of others through having boundaries and guiding others that seek you out before retreating away to nourish yourself for periods of time.

6/2: Role Model/Hermit 14.42% (see Line 6 above for Phases)

Lots of experimenting with life through trial and error (Phase 1 for Line 6) before retreating away to nourish yourself by being in your own energy. Deep reflection of your first phase through alchemising and transmuting what you have experienced (Phase 2 for Line 6) for periods of time before retreating away to nourish yourself with alone time and your passions. Sharing your wisdom and life experiences with those who seek you out (Phase 3 for Line 6) before retreating away to nourish yourself with alone time and your hobbies.

6/3: Role Model/Martyr 2.4%

Your focus is more outwardly focused, wanting to help others correct their personal karma while experiencing the three phases below. 

Phase 1: (see above 'Line 6' for phases) Deep trial and error. No need to force yourself to 'have it all together' as this is where you are figuring things out. You can find peace knowing that things may bloom for you a bit later in life.

Phase 2: The trial and error phase starts to calm down over these next few years, you start to alchemise your experiences and look at things in a different light.

Phase 3: Sharing your profound experiences with those who seek you out and sharing your wisdom about what these experiences have taught you.


As you can see, the profiles bring a huge flavour to our Human Design charts. I embrace my profile as I know it's something that will be with me throughout my life. It's very freeing to work with your specific profile, instead of against it, even if that feels frustrating at the start.


It is very important to state that there are so many factors in our individual charts that can see the 'generalisations' of Human Design types/profiles/authority change. Not everything we read/learn/hear about our particular charts will always resonate. Our charts don't take into account our life experiences, so there is no way anyone could possibly determine exactly who you are and what makes you tick simply by looking at your chart. Human Design is a beautiful guide, an amazing snapshot of the sky at the very time you were born that can absolutely tell us a lot, but not everything. We here at The Projector Movement honour everyone as individuals whilst using Human Design as a tool to dive deeper. We are not here to fit ourselves into our chart because that is what 'someone told us about ourselves'. Our charts are a guide to our life and when we choose to embody our qualities, not just mentally take note of what our chart says, life gets to unfold as it intended. 


Each profile comes with a personal, transpersonal or juxtaposition karma in this lifetime. 

I would like to preface this point by saying that I'm using the word karma with this meaning:

'The opportunity to heal and balance in the present and to shine a light on past consequences/actions in order to grow'

It is not there to punish us, it is there to show us where we have space to grow. It may or may not involve experiences with other people. If it does involve other people, it is of no coincidence that the people in your life right now are there for a reason.  

You can see this when you view karma in it's wonderful state, when amazing things start happening to you because you've done amazing things for others, with no sense of expectation.

Whichever you are, personal/transpersonal karma or juxtaposition, you are here to always make your way back to your truth. Sometimes it takes 'going off on a tangent' to realise that you're off track. No need to judge yourself, just bring it back to what serves you most. 

Personal Karma:

If you have a small number in your profile first (3/6 for example), you are here to correct your own personal karma, you have a more inward journey. Everything else that is meant for you will happen naturally when you correct your own karma first. Inner work is powerful for you, as it acts as a catalyst for everything you may be calling in. Things like impact, abundance, influence, success. This is not to say that you ignore everyone and everything around you and make your life all about yourself, however the deep need to move through your 'stuff' is so that you can step into a very discerning and fortified version of yourself.

Transpersonal Karma:

If you have the larger number in your profile first (5/1 for example), then you are here to help others correct their own karma. This does not mean that you forget about yourself and put everyone else first, it means that when you have a beautiful balance of helping others, whilst living within your own fortified boundaries,  you can start to swim in the slipstream of impact, influence, success and abundance. You may find that this has been playing out for you in your life without you even realising. There can be an energy here of 'projection', as people see you as the 'teacher/helper/guide' and come to subconsciously expect this from you. You are not here JUST to help others, so it's up to you to be discerning when you are in these situations. Are you helping out of obligation? 

If so, then this is where you can step into your power and let the other person know that it's not serving you anymore to be interacting in this way, thus bringing in the lesson to the other to help them look inward and correct their karma, all while correcting your own by putting that healthy boundary in place. Just another reason to clear out your aura and energy field each day. 


This applies to the 4/1 profile only and is something we will dive into when we reach that particular profile in this series.




How YOU can get into alignment as a Projector! Video here !

When you move more into alignment, the invitations, the recognition, the success and most importantly the feeling that is birthed within you is drastically different when you are living out of alignment. Join me to become more aligned.

Watch The Video Here!


What is Human Design?


In 1987, a man by the name of Ra Uru Hu had a mystical experience where he was guided and given instruction by what he termed as “The Voice” to combine the ancient teachings of Astrology, The I’Ching, The Kabbalah, and The Chakras alongside modern science of Quantum Mechanics, Astronomy, Genetics and Biochemistry. The synthesis of these ancient teachings from different parts of the world combined with contemporary science created Human Design, a powerful, accurate, and beautiful system that lays out the blueprint on how to navigate YOUR life.


What I like about Human Design is that it’s not a belief system. You don’t have to believe in how the system was birthed. The founder, Ra, simply said to apply the knowledge that pertains to you and simply see if it works. More importantly, this system is specific to you. This is because of how Human Design works. What this system does is it takes the time, date, and place of your birth and produces a chart (known as a BodyGraph) that looks like the one below. In other words, you were imprinted with specific energy at the moment of your birth, as well as 3 months prior to your birth.

If you want to learn about how to read your BodyGraph, then click on the image below (or here) to watch the video we created that guides you step by step, so you can understand how to navigate your own chart. 

So, there is no one person that has the same BodyGraph. But this system does categorize humans into 4 main types. These 4 types are Generators (which includes Manifesting Generators), Projectors, Manifestors, and Reflectors. Generators have an open and enveloping aura. Projectors have an absorbing and focused aura. Manifestors have a closed and repelling aura. And Reflectors have a resistant and sampling aura.


The most important gift Human Design has to offer humanity is our decision-making strategy. Based on what type you are, will determine how you best make decisions. So if you’re a Projector, this means you have to wait to be recognized and invited for the big opportunities in life (e.g., home, career, love, and relationships). Waiting to be recognized and invited is the first step in knowing how to move forward in life. 

Until next time,

Charlie + Aimee